Say ‘NO!’ to anti-social behaviour
Heckington and District Radio Group promotes responsible, friendly and respectful behaviour on the air.
But radio has always had its ‘bucket mouths’ (people who use abusive language), ‘dead keyers’ (who transmit silence) and music, to try to stop others being heard and enjoying radio. It is difficult to understand why they do this but, it is usually to get attention. So, don’t give them any.
If you encounter anti-social or abusive behaviour on the air: –
- Avoid argument and never give abuse back
- It is probably best to ignore it altogether
- Try moving to another channel
- Consider turning your power down – if the abusive person is some distance away, they may not be able to hear you
- If the behaviour persists, try moving to another band
- If they follow you, then simply switch off
- It may feel like they have ‘won’ but it’s not a competition and all they have really done is temporarily spoil your enjoyment of radio
- If this happens to you, let us know so that we can offer you our support
- Remember that there are many more positive, friendly people on the radio and there is always another time for a friendly, positive conversation with them
- You can always report anti-social behaviour to the Police. This includes abuse, harassment and threatening behaviour on the radio.
Safety on the air
While we are a positive, friendly group, it is worth remembering that all kinds of people use radio including those you might not chose to be your friends.
Remember: –
- Radio is public – what you say can be overheard by anyone within range, with a radio tuned to the same channel or frequency as you
- As you would on other forms of social media, be careful about giving out too many personal details over the air
- For example, if you are going on holiday for a few days, you might not want to tell everyone that your house is going to be empty
- If you live alone or feel vulnerable, you might not want to tell everyone your address
- Respect other users – avoid giving their precise locations
It is sad that we have to think like this, but anti-social and other criminal behaviour is a problem in society, and it can be a problem on the radio too.
Radio is a wonderful resource. Say ‘NO!’ to anti-social behaviour on air and let’s enjoy radio together!
Heckington & District Radio Group