How to join a conversation

It can be hard for complete newbies to the CB and PMR446 bands to know how to join and behave during a net, or invite a new conversation. Radio users traditionally use a certain etiquette and while it is generally more informal on CB and PMR, it is helpful to understand what is expected. So here is a simple guide: –

To join an existing net or conversation

  • Listen first so that you understand who is already on the Channel
  • If there is an informal conversation (rather than a formal net) you want to join, wait for a pause and say “On the side” or “Break”
  • Wait for a reply
  • If it’s a net, the net controller (the person running the net) should occasionally say something like “Would anyone like to join the net?”
  • Reply to this by saying something like “Hi everyone, it is [your name] here.”
  • If the net controller forgets to invite people in, then wait for a pause and say “On the side” or “Break”
  • Wait for a reply
  • If you have been heard, you should be acknowledged, either by being called in or by the controller saying “Station on the side, stand by”
  • In that case wait until you are called in before joining in
  • If you are not acknowledged, then wait a few minutes and try again
  • Don’t assume that nobody is talking just because you can’t hear one side of the conversation – there may be distant stations you can’t hear and it can be very annoying to have someone repeatedly calling over them
  • If the net is being run in order then wait until it’s your turn to speak again
  • If it is a large net then that may be some time, so be patient!
  • You might find it helpful to make a note of things you want to respond to so that you don’t forget
  • If it is a formal, ordered net, it is considered rude to jump in, out of order
  • But if you need or want to speak urgently, wait for a pause and say “break” and wait for the net controller to invite you

To invite a new conversation:-

  • Tune to the desired channel or frequency and say something like “Is anyone monitoring the channel?”
  • In amateur radio, the language for this is called a “CQ call”. So, you could also say (and may hear people calling) “CQ Channel X”
  • If there is no reply to your call, you can call again and may keep calling as long as you like
  • If nobody replies, then don’t take it personally – assume that nobody is monitoring and try again later
  • Be patient and always polite
  • Being rude or saying something rude or sarcastic will very rarely get a (polite) response!