March Club Night

March’s club night at the Pavilion Heckington was another great night, thanks to everyone who came. A special thanks to Carl (aka ‘Firestarter’) for organising the quiz to raise a few quid for the club coffers and for donating the prize which was won by Mick P. Everyone seemed well impressed with my mince pies. Jason seemed particularly fond of them (!), especially the jam variants! Allan’s mystery object (a homebrew field strength meter) was a great idea – something we should, perhaps, try again next time. So if anyone has a piece of radio-related kit they’d like to bring along to the next meet, to get us all guessing, or perhaps to tell us about, that would be good. One of the things that we were all agreed about is how lucky we are to have built such a friendly group so quickly. That has everything to do with all of you. Long may it continue!

One response to “March Club Night”

  1. Carl Whitney Avatar
    Carl Whitney

    More than welcome Andy , the group is moving along well and the mince Pies went down very well !M ince pies in March ! Long may it continue to grow an excellent group .

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