Heckington & District Radio Group

Radio for all

A message from the chair

Welcome to Heckington & District Radio Group

We’re a new group of what we call ‘hobby radio’ enthusiasts, based in and around the village of Heckington in Lincolnshire. We call it that because, whether you’re a complete newbie, a licensed Radio Amateur, into CB radio or PMR446, or just like chatting on the radio, if you have an interest in radio communications, you’re welcome at H&DRG.

We love radio for a whole host of reasons. Among them is the belief that radio is one of the best forms of social media because it gets people out from behind their computer screens and talking. Conventionally, however, amateur radio has not been an easy hobby to join because of the exam and other requirements needed to obtain a licence and get on the air. While this may be necessary, it can act as a barrier to entry to the hobby. We want to remove that barrier and get people on the air from day one. We’re doing that by using CB radio and PMR. These are licence free and radios are cheap and easy to use. Did you know that you could be up and running on PMR for as little as £20?

If you’re still not sure, I’m delighted that we have at last been able to launch our new loan scheme. Join us (for FREE) and you can borrow a radio and try radio communications, straight out of the box. There are no fees or catches. We lend you the radio, you switch it on and off you go! What’s stopping you trying hobby radio with the H&DRG Loan Scheme?

We’re also a radio group with a difference or two. Membership of H&DRG is completely FREE. There are no subs or fees. With nets on Mondays and Wednesdays on UK FM CB Channel 23 and PMR446 Channel 3 and an Amateur Radio net on Fridays for those of you who do have a licence, we want to make it as easy as possible to join us and join in.

Find out more here and, if you’re interested but don’t know where to start, try our simple guides.

Welcome and I hope you’ll help us to make ‘radio for all’.

Andy Mellett Brown, 2E0VPX, 26HL161


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  • Our Loan Scheme Opens Today

    Our main aim has always been to support more people to use hobby radio. Now, after a great deal of work and with the help of the Sleaford Community Power Fund and North Kesteven District Council, we can take the next step. Our new loan scheme opens today and is available to all full members….

    CONTINUE READING: Our Loan Scheme Opens Today
  • Sleaford Community Power Fund

    We’re delighted to be able to announce that we’ve received the first instalment of £1000 funding from Sleaford Community Power fund. This will enable us to commence Phase 1 of our development project. There are two phases to the project which will see H&DRG develop a lending scheme so that people can try radio before…

    CONTINUE READING: Sleaford Community Power Fund
  • March Club Night

    March’s club night at the Pavilion Heckington was another great night, thanks to everyone who came. A special thanks to Carl (aka ‘Firestarter’) for organising the quiz to raise a few quid for the club coffers and for donating the prize which was won by Mick P. Everyone seemed well impressed with my mince pies….

    CONTINUE READING: March Club Night